Saturday, June 9, 2007

Paris Hinton Goes back to Jail

Poor paris is back to the Jail, and someone created a video song on youtube,enjoy

Monday, June 4, 2007

Paris is in Jail

Hours after strolling the red carpet in a strapless black dress, Paris Hilton traded her designer duds for a jail-issued jumpsuit.
The 26-year-old heiress checked into the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood just after 11:30 p.m. Sunday. She's expected to serve three-weeks for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.
Hilton surrendered to sheriff's deputies after making a surprise visit to the MTV Movie Awards in the afternoon.

"I am trying to be strong right now," she told reporters on the red carpet. "I'm ready to face my sentence. Even though this is a really hard time, I have my family, my friends and my fans to support me, and that's really helpful."
Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Hilton was easy to work with.
"Her demeanor was helpful. She was focused, she was cooperative," he said.
Hilton turned herself in at the Men's Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles just after 10:30 p.m., then was escorted to the all women's facility in Lynwood, where she was booked, fingerprinted and issued a jail uniform, Whitmore said.
She also was given her first meal: cereal, bread and juice.
So far, Hilton does not have a cellmate, Whitmore said.
The "Simple Life" star will be housed in the "special needs" unit of the 13-year-old jail, separate from most of its 2,200 inmates. The unit contains 12 two-person cells reserved for police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile inmates.
Like other inmates in that unit, Hilton will take her meals in her cell and will be allowed outside the 12-foot-by-8-foot space for at least an hour each day to shower, watch TV in the day room, participate in outdoor recreation or talk on the telephone. No cell phones or BlackBerrys are permitted in the facility, even for visitors.
The jail, a two-story concrete building next to train tracks and beneath a bustling freeway, has been an all-female facility since March 2006. It's located in an industrial area about five miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles
"I did have a choice to go to a pay jail," Hilton said Sunday, without giving details. "But I declined because I feel like the media portrays me in a way that I'm not and that's why I wanted to go to county, to show that I can do it and I'm going to be treated like everyone else. I'm going to do the time, I'm going to do it the right way."
When she was sentenced May 4, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled that she would not be allowed any work release, furloughs or use of an alternative jail or electronic monitoring in lieu of jail.
Sometimes stars are allowed to do their time in a jail of their choosing. In such cases they pay a daily room-and-board fee to the smaller jails, which afford them more privacy and comfort.
Cop-slapping actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, for example, served three days behind bars in 1990 at the El Segundo jail near the Los Angeles International Airport. She paid $85 a day.
On Saturday, about 15 photographers, reporters and television crews staked out the entrances to the jail waiting for the celebutante's arrival. Authorities had also cordoned off a grassy area outside the facility for the media. She had until Tuesday to report.
On Sunday, about a dozen photographers and television crews were at the Lynwood facility when she arrived in an unmarked SUV. Video captured by celebrity news site showed Hilton inside the vehicle with her mother, Kathy.
Hilton's publicist, Elliot Mintz, said he spoke with Kathy Hilton after she returned from the jail.
"She told me it was very emotional," Mintz said. "She also said that she feels this will be a time when Paris will be able to think and reflect and to spend time alone to learn from the experience because in Paris' life she's never alone -- there's always a constant chatter around her."
Officers arrested Hilton in Hollywood on Sept. 7. In January, she pleaded no contest to the reckless-driving charge and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.
She was pulled over by California Highway Patrol on Jan. 15. Officers informed Hilton she was driving on a suspended license and she signed a document acknowledging she was not to drive. She then was pulled over by sheriff's deputies on Feb. 27, at which time she was charged with violating her probation.
Associated Press writer Peter Prengaman contributed to this report.


Ok Paris, enjoy your jail days with your pretty orange suit.Good Luck

Sunday, June 3, 2007

NoPE release new Vista crack and is best to date

Vista sales are going brisk, with 40 million licenses in just 100 days it is also the fastest selling operating system till date. Cracking Vista is not easy either as the bright minds at Redmond have made it pretty secure making it difficult for the average hacker to get around. However a group called 'NoPE' has developed a crack which has a major key difference to other previous pirated copies of Vista. It is an out of the box crack as the product appears activated, updates work, and no key needs to be installed. In fact the installation is simpler than previous leaked copies of Windows XP which required a serial.

Maybe hackers managed to replace the Vista image on the DVD, with the pre-cracked version. Its again upto Microsoft to come up with new anti piracy measures, coupled with Windows Update to counter this new threat.



So Billy,tell me what you are going to do?perhaps you could offer a cheaper prices for your vista?This crack really works though.So far all good feedback received by using thz NopE crack.Shove the genuine windows in your ass billy!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The status of porn on the net

GOOD Magazine: Internet Porn

Hmm found this interesting thingy while browsing the net.It seems sexy is the most searched word on the net.Just take a look on this video about porn ranking online.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Britney hit Rock Bottom

Britney Spears says she "hit rock bottom," in a message posted on her Web site about the end of her marriage and her time in rehab.
"Recently, I was sent to a very humbling place called rehab. I truly hit rock bottom. Till this day I don't think that it was alcohol or depression," the 25-year-old pop star writes. "I was like a bad kid running around with ADD (attention deficit disorder)."
Spears completed a monthlong stay at a luxury Malibu rehabilitation treatment facility in March after a series of run-ins with the paparazzi that included a stop at a San Fernando Valley hair salon, where she was caught on video shearing her own locks. Other photos splashed across the Internet appeared to reveal Spears out partying wearing nothing underneath her short skirts.
She was seen going out with
Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan after filing for divorce from aspiring rapper Kevin Federline last November, just two months after giving birth to their second child, Jayden James. The pair also have an older son, Sean Preston, now 20 months.
The couple reached a divorce settlement in March.
"I had a manager from a long time ago come in and try to direct me and my life after I got my divorce," writes Spears. "I was so overwhelmed I think that I was in a little shock too. I didn't know who to go to."
"I realized how much energy and love I had put into my past relationship when it was gone because I genuinely did not know what to do with myself, and it made me so sad. I confess, I was so lost," she writes.
"I think the whole problem was letting too many people into my life," she continues. "You never know another person's intentions or what another person wants. ... I have had to cut so many people out of my life."
Spears also says she is "having to face a lot of things" as she raises her two young sons. "A lot of insecurities from when I was little are coming up again," she writes. "It is like we are never good enough."
Explaining her recent behavior, she says: "I think it is actually normal for a young girl to go out after a huge divorce."
"I am going to make mistakes everyday, and I am sure every mistake I make will probably be on CNN or `Good Morning America,'" she says. "I am only human people and I love you for still loving me."
She closes by saying: "We will never really understand or figure out life completely. That's God's job. I can't wait to meet him ... or her.

Love, Britney."


Oh Britney,I don't really know what is in your head,Seriously I don't know what wre you thinking.I guess I will never know anyway.If you guys wanna know what else crap on her website do click here

anti-rape female condom

Rapex-Anti rape Condom

RAPEX is a new product that was developed to empower women to defend themselves against rapists. RAPEX is a device used by women to prevent rape and to identify the rapist. The RAPEX prototype was launched on 31 August 2005, at Kleinmond, Cape Province, South Africa.
The anti-rape female condom was invented by Sonette Ehlers, a South African woman. It is intended to prevent rape by hooking onto an attacker's penis, hurting and disabling him.
The device is a latex sheath held firm by shafts of sharp, inward-facing microscopic barbs that would be worn by a woman in her vagina like a tampon. Should an attacker attempt vaginal rape, the penis would penetrate the latex and be hooked by the barbs, causing the attacker pain and (ideally) giving the victim time to escape. The condom would remain attached to the attacker's body and could be removed only surgically, which would, hypothetically, alert hospital staff and police.
The Rapex would also act as a preventative measure if an attacker had any STD's
Ha Ha Ha,hopefully this condom will scare the rapist away.There some people object the marketing of this condom,saying there might be an abuse or endanger the rape victim.But I tell you what,If no rape,no dick get hurt and thrown in gaol!!!The rapist out there might think twice before engaging into the beastly act.Congrats to the inventor of this magic condom .

Paris Hilton's Sentence Slashed To 23 Days

Heiress Won't Be With General Population, But May Have A Cell Mate

(CBS/AP) Paris Hilton will serve just over half of her 45-day jail sentence and will be separated from the general inmate population, authorities decided Wednesday after reviewing her case. Hilton shouldn't expect to get out of jail early like actress Michelle Rodriguez did last year, serving only a few hours of her 60-day sentence on similar charges. The hotel heiress will spend about 23 days in a "special needs housing unit" at the Century Regional Detention Center in suburban Lynwood, Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said. The sentence was shortened after jail officials gave Hilton credit for good behavior, citing her recent court appearance among other factors, Whitmore said. Hilton will stay in a unit that contains 12 two-person cells reserved for police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile inmates, he said. "She may or may not have a cellmate," Whitmore said.

Oh ,just great,Paris is getting discount on her jail sentence.There is even people filed petition to Gabenor Mr Terminator-Arnold asking to release her.Well,why must give her less jail sentences?Because she is a celebrity?Snob bitches like her must be thought a lesson so that will take the law more seriously.I mean come on rich spoiled bicthes like her only know how to shop and paint nails.Why making so much fuss about it.It's not that she is getting jailed for life time.Duh,really celaka bitch!!!

Desperate Housewives

OK,this show had reached his finale for season 3. I don't know how long I have to wait the next season.I hate waiting,Seriously.

Edie comitted suicide.Damn it..the scene stops there!!!

One juicy thingy is Gabrielle screwed Carlos right after her wedding on the same day when she find out Victor's politics scams.Getting pissed she get back on him.....
Well I had seen Eva Longaria's wedding gown for her real wedding which she wore in the final episode.She is marrying Victor at last (as Gabriella of coz).

Bree came back pregnant from her so called 'honeymoon' in Switzerland.Well She is faking usual full of hypocrite crap

Nothing much to talk about Susan Mayer...I really hate her.Pathetic bicth.And another housewife Lynetter,She get cancer.

Hot Eva will get married to her basketball player sweetheart in real life

And I need to wait for next season.

Where to watch free Online Satellite TV

Posted this info on the lelong auction forum as well.So if anyone google me,hopefully they will get these info.

This all free and legal.And please note some are selling this software on Lelong,but it actually available for free.Before this I didnt reveal openly where I watch,as some might get mad coz I am spoiling their business on lelong,but then what the heck,this thing is free.

All thz sites i got them by using google.As I am in overseas most of the time,no many english shows on TV in I watch tv online.And i browse and google alot,and get all this channels.

All this software is tested and no spyware and legal from the provider. Guarateed as I am using them.Also works well on vista,Please enable your firewall for these softwares ok

TV U networks

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will continue more later.Enough for today.Now I need to cook something as my mother will be back from work.

Oh great,it's my first time

yeah my first time writing a Blog,What were you thinking when I said my first time?SEX?LOL :) :) First time having sex is not something I would wanna talk about to everyone here.

About myself?Nothing much to talk about here,I rather be anonymous.If my boyfriend read that I am intoducing myself online with full profile,he will be thinking that I am exposing myself to get attention from men.Yeah an absulote oxymoron.He will not understand no matter how I explain to him.

I was thinking to earn some extra money online,and yes and writing a Blog seems to be a good idea.Well I spend most of my time online anyway,bitching alot on the Malaysia auction forum.

yeah, You can buy stuff here,can sell stuff here,can do anything you want here,also you can bitch alot here.No not on auction but on forum.

I don't know how many of the lelong auction members write blogs,but It is seems a reasonable way to earn money and killing time when you got nothing else to do.I saw some postings on the auction selling tips how to make money online.Yah boring.need to pay RM 90 for stuff and tips that you can get it for free on the internet.I been spending my time browsing warez forums,looking for softwares,and also read latest IT news.Downloading songs and movies.So bitching is another thing I like to do these days.

If you guys need some latest stuff like softwares can get on my blog here and I will post them.
I guess enough for today,my first intro.Life is kindda boring sometimes.Now I need to browse around how to generate income through my will you excuse me for now.
have a nice day