Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Oh great,it's my first time

yeah my first time writing a Blog,What were you thinking when I said my first time?SEX?LOL :) :) First time having sex is not something I would wanna talk about to everyone here.

About myself?Nothing much to talk about here,I rather be anonymous.If my boyfriend read that I am intoducing myself online with full profile,he will be thinking that I am exposing myself to get attention from men.Yeah an absulote oxymoron.He will not understand no matter how I explain to him.

I was thinking to earn some extra money online,and yes and writing a Blog seems to be a good idea.Well I spend most of my time online anyway,bitching alot on the Malaysia auction forum.

yeah, http://www.lelong.com.my You can buy stuff here,can sell stuff here,can do anything you want here,also you can bitch alot here.No not on auction but on forum.

I don't know how many of the lelong auction members write blogs,but It is seems a reasonable way to earn money and killing time when you got nothing else to do.I saw some postings on the auction selling tips how to make money online.Yah boring.need to pay RM 90 for stuff and tips that you can get it for free on the internet.I been spending my time browsing warez forums,looking for softwares,and also read latest IT news.Downloading songs and movies.So bitching is another thing I like to do these days.

If you guys need some latest stuff like softwares can get on my blog here and I will post them.
I guess enough for today,my first intro.Life is kindda boring sometimes.Now I need to browse around how to generate income through my blog.so will you excuse me for now.
have a nice day

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey, just read your blog. great!! seems like an interesting blog.
^^ generate $$ through ur blog ??? Hehe..is that register from goggle to put advertisement on ur blog?? i read it from newspaper .

so, gambateh !!